We understand the frustration that you face when a hailstorm hits and damages your vehicle. These hail events can significantly affect your routines, and the last thing you may want to do is negotiate with your insurance company to get your car repaired properly and quickly. Typically, your Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) provider should work directly with your insurance company and your adjuster to negotiate the best claim on your behalf. Navigating the process of insurance claims can be a hassle, so we’ve broken down the insurance payment process for your hail repair.
What to expect when filing an insurance claim for hail damage:
Damage Evaluation: Expect to get an evaluation from your insurance provider. They will call you to set up a time to meet, take photos and send you a reply with their estimate – possibly send you a check right away.
With HailCo: We work with every insurance company to get you the best claim possible for your vehicle’s hail damage – oftentimes it’s higher than their valuation. Our experienced manager will come to your home, office, or other location at NO COST or obligation. We will inspect your hail-damaged vehicle and answer any questions regarding our paintless dent removal process. Once your vehicle is in our shop, we will extensively evaluate the damage and provide an estimate. To get started, call HailCo at 303.732.6161, or schedule an appointment online for your free auto hail damage evaluation.
Insurance Claim: Call your insurance company to make a claim or use your smartphone app to file the claim under hail damage or paintless damage repair. For consumer policyholders, your claim WILL NOT affect your insurance rates, as your comprehensive auto policy covers the damage incurred by “Acts of God,” such as hail, wind, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. An independent claim should not impact your premiums.
With HailCo: HailCo will do it for you! We’ll contact your insurance company and work with them on your behalf. We work with every insurance provider.
NOTE: The best time to file a claim for your hail damage is within 30 – 60 days of a loss. Most insurance providers set a time limit of six months to a year to file a claim, but we’ve repaired vehicles with far older damage. If you fail to file a claim within the time frame, it may become more difficult to process the claim, and if your vehicle is damaged by a second storm, your provider may only cover the damage incurred during the most recent season in a single claim. Previous damage would require a separate claim or might not be covered. HailCo has had great success in supporting its customers with these more complex claims.
Paintless Dent Removal: All major insurance companies see PDR as the standard and best practice for dent removal and repairing hail damaged vehicles, regardless of the number of dents and dings, because the method is more effective, and it maintains the vehicle’s original factory paint warranty without affecting the quality of paint.
With HailCo: Our facility uses the latest technology and is staffed with local experts who have been working in PDR an average of 15 years. HailCo has been a leading local PDR provider for over five years – serving the Denver and Fort Collins metro areas.
What You Will Pay: Generally, your insurance will cover 100% of the vehicle hail damage minus your deductible. However, there are a few things to consider such as, the year of your car, the mileage and the condition prior to the hail damage. If the value of your car is less than the cost to repair it, your car may be deemed a “total loss”, which means your insurance company will pay you for the total value of your vehicle (which may be less than the cost of the hail damage). If that’s the case, you can decide to repair the damage, keep the money, or use the check to cover the cost of hail repair. Depending on the amount you receive from your insurance, you may have to cover the difference with the PDR provider.
With HailCo: We’ll cover your deductible in most cases! We always strive to get the most accurate assessment and work with your insurance provider to cover the work required to repair your vehicle completely and correctly. Many insurance companies will initially provide a very low evaluation for your auto hail repair, as they do not perform a thorough inspection of the hail damage to your vehicle and have no incentive to do so. Our evaluation does not affect the cost that you pay since HailCo will cover the difference in cost if your insurance does not cover 100% of the cost. We work for you, and we ensure your hail damaged vehicle is repaired to its pre-loss condition with our paintless dent removal process. In the case of a total loss, our professionals will negotiate the best value for your vehicle, or we work with insurance to save it and repair your vehicle.
Payments or Leased Cars: If you are still making payments or have a lease, your insurance company handling the auto hail repair claim will make the claim check payable in one of two ways: either to you and your lienholder, or to you and your auto hail repair facility.
With HailCo: Before you call your lienholder or send the insurance check to your lienholder, call HailCo and we will assist you with the process in order to avoid any delay in your auto hail repair. Most insurance companies will reissue the insurance check in your name and your hail repair body shop, which means that you do not have to go through the time and hassle of dealing with your lienholder.
Rental Car Cost: Your insurance should cover the cost of a rental if it’s covered as part of your comprehensive policy. If not, you would be responsible for paying for a rental car while your call is being fixed.
With HailCo: We are one of the largest repair facilities for Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Colorado, so we have extensive relationships with rental companies. If you don’t have rental car coverage, we will provide you with a rental car - at no cost to you- during the time your vehicle is at our shop. If insurance doesn’t pay for the entire rental, we’ll cover the rest if the car qualifies. We’ll even arrange to have your rental ready when you drop off your car – you don’t have to do anything! All repairs come with a comprehensive warranty on our craftsmanship.
At HailCo, we will work with any insurance company to get you the best repair possible for your vehicle’s hail damage. Navigating the process of taking a hail-damaged car to repair and back to your home can be a difficult one to go through, but you don’t have to go it alone. HailCo is are here to make sure you have the guidance you need, and we have the industry experts to restore your car to its pre-loss condition.
To schedule your free evaluation and get your car or truck repaired, contact us today by scheduling your FREE evaluation or call us at 303.732.6161.